Sane Magical Prices


Language: English

Publisher: DMsGuild

Published: Jul 20, 2015


Your world need not sell the magic items for the prices given below. Your world does not even need to sell the magic items below at all. The primary purpose of the tables below is to establish the relative price of magic items so that you can have a reasonably sane economy and/or so that you can quickly eyeball how much the swag you're giving your players is worth. You are free to modify the prices as you will, just be sure to tell your players that you are doing so in advance to the game start.

The items are divided into a few different lists for your convenience. The lists are as follows:

  • Consumables are items that are used some set amount of times (usually once) and then are gone.
  • Combat Items are items that primarily make the user better at killing things. Some also have other killing-unrelated effects, but these are not the primary source of their utility.
  • Noncombat Items are items that primarily make the user better at solving problems in a killing-unrelated manner. Some also make the user better at killing things, but this is not the primary source of their utility.
  • Summoning Items are items that summon creatures to kill things or solve problems for you.
  • Gamechanging Items are items that can have major effects on the way the players engage with the world or that can resculpt the campaign world in some major way all on their own. They are not necessarily overpowered, but the GM should take a look at them to make sure that the items they allow are compatible with the sort of game and world they want to create.

Each is discussed further in their own section. By adjusting the prices of the various lists, the GM can make it easier or harder to get their hands on various types of problem solving abilities.

Again, the prices below are not absolute. The GM may adjust the prices of items individually or by list, they may make any item available or not, they may say that magic items can't be sold for gold at all and that the below prices only roughly estimate value when people are trading magic items for other magic items or they may even not show these tables to their PCs at all and just use them to estimate treasure values. The below lists are intended as a tool, not an imposition on your campaign world.