Heart of Nightfang Spire

Bruce R. Cordell

Language: English


From Temple to Tomb

Nightfang Spire has long brooded in lonely silence, shadowed within the walls of a steep defile. A tall stone column, it resembles nothing so much as an enormous fang of some vanished, mythical beast. Once, a fervent religious order thrived here--before its god was slain. Embracing that death, Nightfang Spire was transofrmed into a massive, hollow mortuary filled with the restless dead.

Heart of Nightfang Spire is a stand-alone adventure for the Dungeons & Dragons game. This adventure challenges 10th-level heroes who follow the rumor of a dragon's hoard to the imposing edifice known as Nightfang Spire. When they arrive, the truth about the place is revealed in all its awful clarity.

To use this adventure, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook , the Dungeon Master's Guide , and the Monster Manual.
