Hare Raising

Mohammed Bellafquih & Jesse Jackdaw Burns & Max Wartelle

Language: English

Published: Feb 3, 2023


This adventure, Hare Raising, is intended for 3 to 7

characters and is optimised for a party of 4 with an

average party level (APL) of 4, 10, or 16. Char-

acters who complete this adventure should earn

enough experience to progress one third of the way

to 5th, 11th or 17th level, respectively. The ad-

venturers travel to the Bonefields, deal with several

groups of unique NPCs, and tackle the bonemon-

ger’s osteomantic magic.

While travelling to the Bonefields, the party has

three scripted encounters with NPCs: the Grey

Knight, The Knights Who Say Mi, and Jim the

Enchanter. All three of these groups have interact-

ed with the bonemonger in some way, and dealing

with them imparts information as to how the bon-

emonger might fight. After battling the bonemon-

ger’s animated bones, the party can attack the “dire

rabbit”, as it is known to the locals. The fight need

not be to the death; the bonemonger is actually a

trader who can be persuaded to parlay, which is

easier the more hurt he becomes.